Best Intro For Dating Profile

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It can be hard to start a conversation on a dating app like Tinder. So we asked 8 women to share the opening lines that got them to respond to a message. Feel free to mix, match, and edit these dating profile examples as needed to suit your situation. Dating Profile Example # 1: Three things. An essential rule of thumb when creating your dating profile is to think of yourself as a product. What are the best keywords to describe what “you” are, and what you’re into? (Ex: An engineer?

  1. Best Examples Of Dating Profiles
  2. Free Sample Dating Profile Templates
  3. Sample Dating Profiles For Women
  4. Best Intro For Dating Profile Picture

By now, you’ve probably heard. Facebook dating is here. I’ll be honest with you, I’m not sure I like the idea of a website that’s mostly filled with my friend’s baby photos and political rants also being the hub of anyone’s love life. But, Facebook has over 200 million single users, so it would be foolish of them not to try and grab some of the multi-billion dollar dating industry for themselves. The good news is that it’s free and will always be free, so there’s really no harm in trying it. The bad news is that it’s Facebook, an app that most people I know are abandoning or saying they barely ever use anymore.

If there’s one thing I really do like about the app right now, it’s that it does away with the Tinder/Bumble mentality of both people having to swipe right on someone before they can message each other. If you can see someone, you can message them, but you better make it count. If the other person isn’t won over by your opening line, you lose the ability to message them ever again!

Now’s the time to get started with your own Facebook Dating profile, but I want to make sure that you do it right. To help, I’ve tested out the app myself and put together a list of 7 dating profile tips for Facebook Dating.

10 Dating Profile Tips For Facebook Dating

1. Don’t Treat Your Facebook Dating Profile Like a Tinder Profile

Tinder and Facebook each have a 500 character limit on their profile. Currently, the majority of Tinder users don’t come close to using all of their allotted space. Instead, they put in a few vague adjectives or a forced attempt to be funny or clever. Because you can message anyone you want, your profile matters much more in a format like this. You don’t have to tell your life story, but you should use the space in your profile to give people an idea of who you are. Tell a short anecdote or pick three adjectives about yourself and use the space to give them context and detail. Also, don’t be afraid to give a little detail about what you want in a partner. If you need help, check out ProfileHelper’s Dating Profile Writing Services, or just give me a call at 888-447-7634.

2. Focus On The positive!

The old adage about only having one chance to make a great first impression really is true. Don’t waste your chance of meeting someone on Facebook Dating by filling your profile with demands about how tall a man needs to be or by talking about all the things you don’t want in a partner. 500 characters isn’t a ton of space. This is your chance to let someone know what makes you special. If you fill it up with all the negativity you’ve experienced in your past relationships or things that have happened to you on other dating sites, you shouldn’t even bother joining. Stick to the things you do want. The things that make you special. The things that you know you are looking for in a great relationship. That is what will make you stand out to the right person.

3. Remember that Facebook Dating is for relationship-minded singles.

Just because it has the same character limit as Tinder, doesn’t mean that it’s a hook-up app. In the end, the singles who use it will decide what Facebook Dating gets used for. For right now, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has made it clear that this app is made for people looking for a relationship, not a hook-up. When he unveiled the app, over a year ago, he said: “This is going to be for building real long-term relationships, not hookups.”

4. Don’t skip the extra questions!

Along with the primary dating profile that you can fill in with information about yourself and what you want in a relationship, there is an additional list of over 30 questions that you can answer ranging from questions about what you can cook and what song you most frequently sing out loud, to questions about your worst job and your most useless talent. Once you’ve filled them out, your answers to the questions will appear below your primary photo and your main profile section. It doesn’t currently look like there is a limit on the number of questions you can answer, so feel free to fill them all out if you want. If you want to look like you are serious about finding someone, try to make sure you at least fill out five of them. Doing that will show people that you aren’t being lazy about your dating life and it will give them more of a window into your personality. Check out all of the current questions below, and start thinking about which ones you’d like to answer.

5. Autocorrect is not your friend

Facebook Dating is designed for use in the Facebook App. That means you’ll be writing your profile by tapping on the screen of your phone. Meanwhile, autocorrect will be saving your butt on some words and changing others to be something completely different than what you meant. Seriously. I can’t count the number of times I accidentally sent a text with the word “duck” in it because I wasn’t paying attention. This is not the kind of thing you want happening when you are writing your dating profile. Before you save and publish your profile, make sure you read it at least three times to make sure that it doesn’t have any careless errors or autocorrected mistakes in it. If you aren’t secure in your ability to get it right, just ask us or check out apps like Grammarly that will correct spelling and grammar problems for you.

6. There’s a difference between Facebook Profile Pics and Facebook Dating Profile Pics

One huge mistake that people make with online dating profiles is in the photos they choose to represent them. I’m always amazed at the number of photos people post that don’t even feature the actual person. Combine that with too many group shots, too many selfies, and a thousand other mistakes and it makes sense why women swipe left on Tinder 95% of the time, and usually in less than a second. I can imagine that this problem could get even worse when you are potentially being prompted to pull photos from your Facebook account. When it comes to your dating profile pics, here are some tips:

  • No Filters! Half the time you use them, people can tell and are turned off. The other half of the time they meet you and feel like you have lied to them.
  • 4-7 photos – Any less and people will think you aren’t real. Any more and you will look like a narcissist.
  • Limit yourself to one group shot – You don’t want your potential dates having to guess which one of the people in the photos they are supposed to be looking at.
  • Headshots aren’t just for heads – Back up so that your headshot goes all the way down to your sternum. Photos that only show you from the neck up tend you look too intense.
  • No Flashing – Aside from the obvious advice of keeping your clothes on, you want to avoid camera flash photos. They make you look heavier and older than you do in real life. Stick to natural light pics, preferably taken outdoors.

7. Mix it up!

You can add new answers to questions and new photos whenever you like to your Facebook Dating profile, but you should be careful about the order in which you add them. Ideally, you should try to have a photo between every one-two questions. You should also avoid uploading two photos in a row. This will keep your profile from being visually boring to readers. Alternating between text and photos will give them enough variety to stay engaged as they learn about you. Also, don’t forget that you can change the background colors of your text answers. To do that, just click on the pencil in the bottom corner of one of your answered questions. Then, click the Edit Question button. When it brings you back to the edit screen, just choose the background color you like most from the bottom of the screen. You can even upload a photo and use it as the background of your answer. Check it out below:

Facebook Dating has only been available to online daters in the US for one day. It’s too early to tell if American singles will take to it, but Facebook has a big enough audience that it’s probably here to stay. In the end, you are going to be the one to decide if Facebook Dating is as good as Match, POF, Tinder, eHarmony, or any of your other favorite dating apps. The good news is that with 200 million singles on the app, we should be able to figure it out pretty quickly. In the meantime, if you need dating profile writing help your Facebook Dating profile, or your profile for any other dating site or app, give me a call or check out our services HERE.

Making a great first impression is one of the most challenging and stressful parts of online dating. I’ve been helping people with it for the last fifteen years. I met my wife using the same strategies and techniques that I teach my clients and I’d love to help you too. Call now for your free consultation at 888-447-7634.

Here’s the link to Inbox Overload if you want women to reply to your messages.

You asked for online dating profiles examples for men, so I thought I would give you a few great ones. Some guys think they need to have a funny online dating profile. Not me (or you I hope). I’m not there to entertain. I have one goal in mind and that is to…



That’s all I want. I just want them to get attracted and curious and email me. The goal isn’t to entertain them. Or tell your life story Or sell yourself to them… The best online dating profile examples for men will get the girl to think “This guy sounds really cool! I think I’ll email him!!!” and then have them send you a message. This is the exact technique I use when writing profiles for my clients. And, depending on the pictures men have up, they get between one and 4 messages a day from NEW women.

Great online dating profiles for men get women to email you, that’s all we’re looking for.

So, with that in mind, here are some of the… Best online dating profile examples for men:

Start out like you’re friends sitting around chatting

Best Examples Of Dating Profiles

Let’s start at the top. You want your profile to be fun and conversational. You want to look like a guy who’s just enjoying his life and would love to have a woman to enjoy it with. You want to invite her into, and make her a part of your life.

So start out with something that makes it look like you’re already friends… Okay, so I know you checked out my pictures and you’re back for more. Great. 🙂 I’m going to take the dog for a walk while you find out a little more about me here. Enjoy, and shoot me a message or wink or whatever when you’re done so we can get to know each other.

That’s the intro to your dating profile. You keep it light, make it different and a little fun. And tell her that you want her to send you a note. Some women need permission… give it her.

You don’t have to write like this in your online dating profile to get women interested, but the best online dating profiles for men read this way.

Hit her hot buttons in your main profile

Next you write your main dating profile. This is tricky. You have to hit certain buttons here. You’re looking to show her that you’re confident, enjoying life, picky, and fun. Here are some online dating profile examples that have been huge successes… My parents always wanted me to be a doctor, but I knew Information Technology was my true calling. I’m way cooler than my geeky friends and way geekier than my cool friends. I tend to stand out wherever I am. I’m currently helping businesses design websites to get more customers. It’s going very, very well.I’m very laid back, fun, and easy to get along with. I have a lot of really interesting friends who make my life all that much better. Some you probably wouldn’t talk to, and some who probably wouldn’t talk to you. 🙂I learned to play guitar at an early age and ever since playing that first G string, I was hooked. Jazz is my favorite. There’s something soothing and deep about it that just speaks to my soul. And you get bonus points if you can sing off tune to my out of tune guitar.I’m cocky. I’ve worked hard to achieve, learn and become who I am and that’s brought me a lot of confidence. I like the me that I am now much better than the old version of me. But don’t worry, I don’t think I’m better than you. Your amazing girl parts give you triple points from the word “go”!

We also had some things in there about what he wanted in a woman. This was an average online dating profile example, and the first day this was up my client got 26 messages.

Tell her to send you a message at the end of your profile

(And before you read how to close your online dating profile, you should know that each guy is different. I’ve written hundreds of dating profiles for men and each one is unique. This profile matches this guy’s interests and personality… well we spice it up a little bit. And you’re different, so follow the method here without copying and pasting this profile.)

Free Sample Dating Profile Templates

Now, at the end of your write-up you want to ask the girl to message you again. This is HUGE. We have seen responses double with just this one technique. Here is an example you can adapt for your online dating profile:

If you think we’d get along, send me a short message, I’d be happy to hear from you. Who knows, it could be the start of something amazing!

There you go, that’s a pretty good example of an online profile for men. It consistently got between 1 and 4 messages from NEW women every day for over 2 months before enough women saw it that it got stale. But in that 2 months one guy went out with 28 different woman. (Most guys only want a few women though.)

I have an entire eBook on writing a profile that gets women to email you. It includes hitting her attraction triggers, the best headlines, and what you have to have for pictures. You might want to get my book on online dating profile writing.

Sample Dating Profiles For Women

I just finished a second post on online dating profile examples for men. Also, I found a good post on writing your online dating profile here.

Best Intro For Dating Profile Picture

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