No Time For Games Dating Site

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Why is it than women are raised to believe that we need to play ridiculous games to keep a guy interested? After all, it’s complete BS, and all it does is make us look dramatic, immature, and petty. Here’s why I refuse to play dating games, and I always will:

It’s exhausting.
Who really has the time for this crap anymore? I hate the fact that if a guy I’m into texts me and I’m around and can respond right away, I’m encouraged not to because then I’m “too available.” The reality is that I’m legit laying on the couch in my pajamas, binge watching Netflix — but yes, I should definitely lie and pretend I’m too busy for him.

Jul 13, 2021 7 Online Dating Message Tips. Now that you have received a response from the other side. There are major tips for online dating conversations that you should follow religiously. Dating site Date-n-Play has you back and will teach you how to chat as an online dating gamer. Get your fill of romance and play a variety of high quality download dating games and online dating games today. Feeling like there's no time for dating? Get in on the latest trend with Flash Dating. In this unique time management challenge, play the role of matchmaker and bring people together. The OG dating site reigns supreme with a proven algorithm and more users than the.

May 14, 2018 Not only do the 5 games on this list specifically focus on romance, but they also have a rating of 90% or above! Miss Heartbreaker. Exo Dating Game. Winter Dance Sim Date. 7 Dates Second Date. Romantic games like Dating Frenzy 2 focus more on meeting guys and girls and starting conversations.

Being yourself is the truth from the start.
I’d rather be upfront and honest right from the beginning. I don’t want some guy who needs to try to analyze if I’m actually interested when I know I am. Plus, if I don’t make it clear, he can easily swipe someone else who will. Why risk it?

What Is Game Dating

We deserve what we want, and we don’t need to sugarcoat it.
We shouldn’t need to hide behind cryptic words and dishonest availability to lure a man into caring about us. It should come naturally. There’s nothing natural about carefully strategized response times and playing coy. I am who I am; take it or leave it.

It’s old and outdated advice.
We live in a modern, allegedly more evolved world, and yet we’re still holding onto the ancient logic we still need to take part in some long, drawn out (not to mention fake) mating ritual to keep a potential partner interested. The rule book seriously needs an update.

Games are for children.
Dating games might have been cool in high school, but as an adult, it’s completely pointless to play make believe. Do as you say and say as you do, or get the hell out of my way. I’m not a kid anymore and I shouldn’t have to put up with this.

It leads to overanalyzing.
Playing unnecessary games only leads people to overanalyze situations that really don’t need to be dissected, and you can end up reading things the wrong way. Again, why risk it? If you start things off by being honest and direct about how you’re feeling and what you want, there’s never a chance for the BS to start.

It’s unnecessary stress.
Do you really like freaking out waiting for him to text back for hours? Sure, that moment of complete relief when he finally responds is satisfying as hell, but you know you’re just going to go through that multiple more times before you hopefully and maybe get into a relationship with him. What’s the point?

It sucks all the fun out of dating.
Playing dating games isn’t just exhausting, confusing and completely childish in many ways, but it’s also literally zero fun. It gets people hurt, builds up false hopes, and makes us all a little crazy when it could just be simple. If you like a guy, act like it. Be yourself. The right person for you will play by your genuine rules, and it’ll be a lot more fun in the long run.


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How To Not Play Games In Dating

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